An EPA Accredited
Training Provider

Welcome to the Lead-Based Paint (LBP) resource center. This page is dedicated to keeping the public informed regarding EPA's LBP program activities and products.

Lead-Safe Certification Program - Useful information for renovation firms, property managers, training providers, and members of the media regarding EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule.

Training Courses - EPA has developed training courses to train renovation, repair, and painting contractors and dust sampling technicians, as well as courses for lead-based paint abatement, inspection, and risk assessments.

How-To References - Useful resources that provide information about how to safely conduct projects involving lead-based paint.

Technical Studies - Scientific and technical data and information concerning amounts of lead in the environment, elevated levels of lead in children, the presence of LBP hazards and controlling LBP and related hazards.

Outreach Campaigns and Materials - Outreach campaigns and educational materials to help parents, home owners, and lead professionals learn what they can do to protect their families, and themselves, from the dangers of lead.

Brochures and Posters - Commonly used education materials for informing individuals and families on the dangers of LBP, child lead poisoning, lead testing techniques, LBP hazards and prevention.

Lead and Cadmium in Toy Jewelry - Useful information about lead and cadmium in toy jewelry. Young children often put objects in their mouths. When those objects, such as toy jewelry, contain lead or cadmium, a child can suffer from lead poisoning, kidney disease or developmental effects.

Grants - EPA provides funds, in the form of grants, for public and private organizations to help achieve the goal of eliminating childhood lead poisoning by the year 2010.

Links - Provides links to the EPA lead hotline, databases, additional EPA offices dedicated to fighting lead-poisoning, and non-EPA lead related resources.